The world's only incubus
Anthony Amasius appears to be an ordinary college student attending the prestigious Institution of Magical Sciences, but he is far from typical. As the only incubus in existence, he harbors a dangerous secret—one he is determined to keep hidden while focusing on honoring the memory of the woman he loved and finding a way to save his brother from a coma.
However, when a powerful War Maiden from the secretive organization arrives with orders to eliminate him, Anthony is thrust into a perilous situation. Faced with a choice between embracing his supernatural heritage or succumbing to death, Anthony must navigate a world filled with seductive vampires, dangerous demons, and shadowy conspiracies—all while realizing the true potential of his incubus powers.
Incubus is a thrilling, sensual harem light novel series that blends action, romance, and supernatural intrigue in a setting similar to Cyberpunk 2077. Perfect for readers who enjoy fast-paced adventures with complex characters and steamy, emotional moments.